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Now Here: 8.0 Brings Tool Kitting to One-Key
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Now Here: 8.0 Brings Tool Kitting to One-Key

ONE-KEY NEWS One-Key Team | Published: January 28, 2021

Good news: The 8.0 One-Key app update is now live!  

You can now group your bulk inventory sends that are going to the job all at once via, for example, a job or gang box. 

Adding a Tool Kit via the One-Key Web App 

Add tools and equipment you’re sending from the crib via the web app, and coordinate with your project team by sending bulk “kit” transfers or auditing your kits as they arrive back from a job to ensure everything has returned to the crib. 

You can learn how to add a kit via the One-Key web app by reading our support article on web tool kitting.  

Adding a Tool Kit via the One-Key iOS App  

Apple users can rejoice. In addition to being able to add a kit via the web, you can add one from your iPhone, and you’ll have the added functionality that our built-in barcode scanner offers to scan in and out your items via barcode or One-Key asset ID tag as they’re leaving the crib, arriving on the job, or being added back to the gang box at the end of a day’s work. Audit your kit to check for any discrepancies and coordinate with the tool team to ensure what’s needed gets to the job. 

You can learn how to add a kit via the One-Key iOS app by reading our support article on tool kitting for iOS

If you’d prefer to watch and learn, check out the tool kitting video on YouTube

What about Android?  

We’re still putting the finishing touches on the tool kitting feature for our Android-based app. You can expect this to be live soon in either the 8.1 or 8.2 releases in the coming weeks. 

While We’re Here: A Note about Tool Management Reports 

After the release of the new Tool Management feature, we started to receive feedback regarding issues with pulling large reports. Upon investigation, the root cause was bigger than the surface level, and left untreated could result in data appearing incorrect in the report, and long load times, which could cause performance issues across the app. We hold One-Key to the highest quality standard and made the call to pull the feature while the team addresses and fixes the issue. We'll be working to get this up and running for the 8.2 release in March, and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. 

If you have any additional questions or concerns, you can always reach out to our support team at: [email protected] 

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